Team: Partnership, Collaboration, Leadership

While having a conversation in mid-October with a sports fan I was told the New York Giants were done for the season. What? I replied the season just started. Although, lately I have not watched an entire football game in years. Nor, have I listen to my usual sports radio commentary. rawpixel-558597-unsplashHowever, growing up in the Midwest I was surrounded by huge football fans: Cleveland Brown, Dallas Cowboys, Pittsburgh Steelers and Indiana Colts.  As well as, the rivalry between neighboring college teams Ohio State Buckeyes and the Michigan Wolverines.

It’s safe to say I am familiar with the game of football. I can identify my initial love for the game and the excitement I experienced as a viewer when, Fran Tarkington would unleash his amazing arm in his role as quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings.  This was one of the most impressive eras of leadership, trust and ability to connect with his teammates I had ever witness. There have been a number of great football (professional/college) moments but that was my initial introduction.

Now, that we are days away from Super Bowl LIII what’s involved in putting together a winning team from the perspective of complexity.  A team that wants an invitation to their industries’ big dance and will succeed when they get there. Not just sports but teams in general that not only succeed but create a positive experience, want to work together, and generate excitement.

What is your personal experience when it comes to the word team as it relates to: Partnership, Collaboration or Leadership? What does team experience look like for you? What role did you play?  According to Merriam-Webster® “team” is defined as: to put together in a coordinated ensemble.  However, when you Google the word “team” this is what you will find: ”come together as a team to achieve a common goal. (Join forces; collaborate; get together; work together)”.

I prefer the second “come together as a team to achieve a common goal” the ability to work together: consultant, partner, board member, sales/marketing associate, project manager (director, software app, platform developer, producer, research/data analyst, product design or development, technology i.e.) could all be described as roles that contribute to ones personal team experience. Where you or someone on the team displayed extraordinary leadership, trust and ability.

From the framework of smart accomplished people who trust, challenge and push one another to achieve a common goal. Sometimes that common goal or end product could be your teams’ invitation to the big dance.

Take for instance, the collaboration/teamwork between Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. The whole industry itself Marvel vs DC comics’ franchise has resulted in some amazing character development no better example of individuals thrown together for one common goal. On their own each superhero has a good level of individual experience and individual success. But yet when they come together as a team for a Global mission to defeat the supervillains they are stronger together.

Three examples of companies “coming together to achieve a common goal” in their local and global community.

  • Partnership: Right in local communities the energy environment is changing in the form of wind energy. Check out Siemens partnership with local energy providers in the area of wind energy.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration begins at the top recognizing an opportunity to transform communities’ within a Library system servicing 3.4 million people. One Director of LA County library system has created a collaborative work environment.
  • Leadership: Under the strategic leadership of Marc Benioff, Chairman & C0-CEO, Salesforce. Salesforce has experienced an impressive 17 years of growth and innovation from sales automation to leaders in the software industry( Customer service; Sales; Marketing and Commerce). Salesforce

Moving forward think about personal experience and your initial love for the game as viewer, player or your involvement as it relates to team “come together to achieve a common goal”. I invite you to Follow/Join the conversation.




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