Marketing Segmentation: A Furniture Company and The Pet Care Industry.

In the 4th quarter of 2019, our favorite media source and industry leaders began forecasting trends for 2020. Insight into what industries can expect in the area of service, technology, and innovation just to name a few.

Over the last few years I’ve had the pleasure of spending quality time with a variety of pets, most recently with man’s best friend. Not realizing at the time, how this would present an opportunity to observe the characteristics, and behavior of four different breeds. Being domesticated species of the animal kingdom, physical attributes did not matter (small, middle, large; pure breed, mix, a mutt; puppy or older). The behavior once entering a dog park was similar; play, run, and socialize with the other dogs. Note: this is not initially a behavior that is common among all dogs.

Unexpectedly, I notice an advertisement for a dog couch from Blvd Co. Blvd Co specializes in handcrafted sofas whos’ end-user is the female/male adult market. In my opinion, Blvd Co’s dog park ad placement promoting their pet line of couches would be considered “savvy advertising when it is least expected”.

Companies such as Casper and La-Z-Boy have also, expanded their brands into the pet care market. In 2018 this industry has grown into a lucrative $225 billion dollar business. A fact not lost on these companies. So, who is your target market (end-user) and how do you reach them? Analyzed data is valuable in understanding consumer behavior, consumer engagement, and brand/product performance within the marketplace.

Data collection in all forms is essential to a companies’ data marketing strategy. Whether, it is collected through digital partnership, social networking, automation, or artificial intelligence (AI).

Here are 5 brands that have found a way to stand out in the pet care market.

  1. Blvd A new type of sofa company; local area flyer.
  2. DogTV: Programming via premium cable channel (Dish, Direct,..etc.)
  3. SpotOn.Pet: Pet-friendly passage service the Uber, Lyft of the pet taxi industry.
  4., proven healthy dog food, a whole food counter – Petco
  5. Pet insurance: Nationwide Pet Insurance. Time magazine January 20, 2020.

 How does your brand utilize data to differentiate in today’s’ market and what technology is used to create personalized content or take advantage of predictive analytics? Follow/Join the convention.


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